
Preventing Gum Disease

May 30, 2015

There are a few signs that point to potentially having gum disease, but really your first thing to be aware of is that without proper oral hygiene you can get it. The first stages of gum disease can progress without you even knowing it. You need to be aware of the problems while you are still in the early stages of the disease. That way your dentist can start treatment early.

Of course, the best way to deal with gum disease is not to deal with it. If you take proper care of your teeth and gums, you shouldn’t have to worry about periodontal disease. Chronic gum disease can cause you to lose your teeth, so the best thing you can do is brush, floss, and use a mouthwash.

Brushing your teeth is important and should be done correctly. Change your toothbrush every few months and make sure you are using one with bristles that suit your teeth. In other words, if your toothbrush is making your gums bleed, you need to downgrade to one with softer bristles. When you are on the road and can’t brush as regularly as at home, take along some dental fluoride floss sticks. This will assist in removing food particles and debris at less convenient times. As for mouthwash, remember that most mouthwash only masks bad breath, which is a sign of periodontal disease. Some mouth rinses, however, provide extra fluoride that you might need.

Keep all of your twice yearly dental appointments. Your dentist will let you know the condition of your teeth and whether or not you should be concerned. If he sees any signs of periodontal or chronic gum disease, he will discuss treatment options with you. Keep up with your oral hygiene and you shouldn’t have to worry about losing your teeth to gum disease.


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