
Key Age Milestones that Call for a Visit to The Dentist

Feb 13, 2025

Crawling, walking, and their first words are all important developmental milestones that you’re probably looking out for in your child—but there are also dental milestones you should be aware of, too. Their teething, the fall of their first tooth, and their first dental visit are all moments that reflect their growth and call for a visit to the Coral Gables family dentist.

By doing so, we can assess your child's oral health, ensure their teeth are growing as expected, and help prevent potential issues in oral function when caught early. To help you stay on track with your child's smile’s development, here are some key dental milestones every parent should be aware of!

Why Is Tracking Your Child’s Dental Milestones Important

The first years of your child’s life will be filled with changes—both for themselves and your family. Babies grow fast, and their mouths are no exception. And while it may feel like, as parents, there’s nothing you can do during this process, the truth differs.

By keeping track of your child’s various dental milestones with a trusted family dentist, you can ensure their development is as expected with the help of a professional. This allows us to tackle problems as they happen, reducing treatment times and costs and, more importantly, ensuring your child’s smile is as healthy as possible.

To help you feel confident about the changes in your child and guide them through this journey, here are some key age milestones you should look out for.

First Tooth Eruption (6 Months)

Six months is an important age for your baby. You may’ve noticed they’re becoming more mobile and curious about the world around them. As they engage with the world, they learn more about it and achieve important developmental milestones.

Moreover, their eating habits and sleep patterns are changing, too. They may be extra fussy, and that’s because small, pearly white teeth are starting to erupt from their gums. The first tooth will start to appear between six months and one year of age. However, some baby teeth erupt earlier; in rare cases, babies can even be born with teeth.

This first baby tooth that erupts is usually one of the lower central incisors. When the first tooth appears, it’s important to start brushing it twice daily with a soft-bristled baby toothbrush and a tiny smear of fluoride toothpaste.

Their First Dental Visit (Before the First Year)

The eruption of their first tooth also marks an important event: the time for their first dental visit. Even if no teeth have yet to erupt, the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry advises that your child should see a dentist for the first time no later than their first birthday.

This initial visit is important as it allows the dentist to check for any early signs of problems and to provide guidance on oral hygiene, diet, and habits like thumb sucking. We’ll also offer you some practical advice on the teething process. This development is natural but may cause discomfort and fussiness in your baby.

Mild fevers are even common. To help reduce their discomfort, you can gently wipe their gums twice a day, as their incoming teeth and mouth will be sensitive. Teething toys are a good idea, too, especially those you can fill with water and place in the cooler because the coldness will bring them relief. A clean, wet cloth placed in the fridge can do wonders, too.

However, avoid teething collars and other types of jewelry, as they can become a choking hazard. Don’t coat teething objects with honey or sugary substances to encourage their use—this will lead to cavities and even gum disease.

Follow-Up Visits (Every Six Months)

It is crucial to arrange routine dental examinations every six months after this visit to preserve good oral health. These are especially important for little ones because their teeth are still developing and more prone to cavities. With bi-annual visits, their pediatric dentist can catch any issues arising as their teeth come in.

At this age, you should begin teaching your child how to brush and spit out toothpaste and introduce them to a soft-bristle toothbrush. If they don’t, use a fluoride-free version, or it may be okay to just brush with water.

Fluoride can be great in preventing cavities, but children tend to swallow it instead of spitting, leading to a condition called fluorosis, in which dark spots develop on their teeth.

A Full Set of Baby Teeth (Age 3)

Your child should have 10 baby teeth on top and 10 on the bottom by the time they are about three years old. This full set consists of four molars on each arch, two canines, two lateral incisors, and two central incisors.

Proper oral hygiene practices, such as consistent brushing, flossing, and eating a balanced diet, are crucial when one has a full set of teeth. It is important to take care of these teeth even though they will eventually fall out because they make room for permanent teeth that will eventually erupt. Moreover, it will set the base for a lifetime of proper oral hygiene.

Teach them to brush after every meal for at least two minutes. They can do so by tuning in to their favorite song. Setting up a routine is also important to properly clean every tooth. You can also introduce regular flossing at least once a day.  

Pacifiers and thumb-sucking habits should be a thing of the past by the age of 2. Maintaining these habits can lead to oral health problems, such as misshaping the front teeth and affecting how teeth come in.

The First Adult Tooth (Age 6)

Around age six, your child will have their first adult tooth erupt. These are usually the first molars, also known as the "six-year molars." Without taking their place, these molars erupt behind the baby molars. At age six, your child will receive their first adult molars, vital teeth they will need for the rest of their lives.

They will begin to lose their first baby tooth at about the same time. Often, the lower central incisors are the first ones to go. The process of losing their baby teeth and gaining adult teeth will continue over the next 5-6 years, during which your wallet will suffer as the tooth fairy comes and goes.

During this time, regular dental visits help monitor their condition and ensure the adult teeth come in correctly. Of course, oral hygiene needs to be maintained, too.

Preparing for Orthodontics (Ages 6 to 8)

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, children should have their first orthodontic consultation by the age of seven. Approximately 10% of kids this age can benefit from Phase I orthodontic treatment, commonly called early interceptive treatment.

By conducting an early assessment, the orthodontist can identify possible problems—like crossbites or impacted adult teeth—and treat them before they worsen. This proactive approach helps reduce the need for more extensive orthodontic treatments later.

A Full Set of Adult Teeth (Ages 11 to 13)

Your child will typically have all of their adult, permanent teeth by the time they are 11 or 13 years old. There are 28 teeth in this set: two canines, two lateral incisors, two central incisors, four premolars, and four molars on each arch. The second molars, sometimes known as the "12-year molars," are typically the last adult teeth to erupt.

Your child is now prepared for Phase II orthodontic treatment, if necessary, once all of the baby teeth have fallen out and the adult teeth have erupted. Braces are frequently used to align and level all of the adult teeth during this orthodontic treatment stage to produce a healthy and functional bite.

Other options, like clear aligners, can also be explored.

Maintaining Oral Health (Ages 9 to 12)

By age 12, your kid will already enjoy a complete smile—but the changes are far from being done. As their bodies are still growing, their bones, jaw, and teeth will change, too.

Specifically, their enamel will get stronger over time. But at the moment, this outermost layer of their teeth is not fully developed yet, which makes them more prone to cavities and other infections. To prevent that, regular visits to the pediatric dentist are key.

We will conduct extensive dental exams and process teeth cleaning if it’s necessary to remove any plaque buildup. Moreover, if they struggle with cavities, we can recommend dental sealants. These are applied to the chewing surfaces of the back molars to prevent decay.

Wisdom Teeth Evaluation (Age 15 to 18)

It is time to start considering wisdom teeth as your child gets closer to their mid-teens. These third molars typically begin to develop between 15 and 18.

Using X-rays to track their growth, your dentist or orthodontist will usually advise removal if there is a chance of impaction, crowding, or other problems. Early evaluation and removal, if necessary, can avoid future complications.

Ensure Your child’s Oral Health with a Trusted Coral Gables Family Dentist

The first few years of your child’s life are full of great changes. From getting their first baby teeth to visiting the dentist for the first time, understanding what each new development entails is key to ensuring seamless and natural growth. Of course, the team at Coral Gables Dentistry is here to guide you through these dental milestones.

Our goal is to work alongside you to ensure your child can enjoy a healthy and functional adult smile. If you’re due for a dental visit, contact us today!


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